Wattle and Daub course at Orchard Barn 2024 IHBC CPD


Interested in heritage building practices and constructing walls that are deep green and use free locally sourced materials?

  • Suitable for complete beginners and professionals in the conservation field
  • Largely practical with some theory and history
  • Learn where to source materials
  • Assess clay and subsoil qualities
  • Work with coppiced woodland material
  • Learn how to use traditional greenwood working equipment - shave horse, draw knife, side axe to shape coppice Hazel for wattle
  • Construct a wattle panel
Dates: Friday 12th July 2024 RESCHEDULED FOR Friday 19th July
Timing: 9.30-4.00
Tutor: Sarah Partridge
Venue: Orchard Barn, Ringshall, IP14 2LY
Course Fee: £200 (Concessions available please email Sarah)
Places available 1 reserve place

Wattle and Daub course

Read Suffolk Preservation Society Suffolk View pages 19-21 article by Sarah Partridge called Daubing Delights

  New wattle and daub project

Need your Wattle and Daub Repaired or Reinstated?

Email sarah@orchardbarn.org.uk to find out how we can help